The use of project technology as one of the forms of organization of independent activity of students




technology, project, interdisciplinary connections, activity, motivation, skills, skills, integration, problemativeness.


This article provides information about the wide application of project
technology in the practice of teaching chemistry. It is shown that the basis of the project method
is the idea of the orientation of educational and cognitive activity of students on the result that is
obtained when solving a significant practical or theoretical problem. Special attention is paid to
project lessons, where the student builds his own knowledge, forms values, discovers new things
in himself and in the world around him. Lessons-projects involve students in interesting, creative
intellectual activities, teach them to work in a team. They assume an active position of students,
contribute to the development of speech, verbal intelligence, necessary for the successful
socialization of each graduate. The article considers the method of projects as a pedagogical
technology, which includes a set of research, search, problem methods, creative in nature. Also,
by completing projects, students master the algorithm of design and research activities, learn to
independently search and analyze information, integrate and apply previously acquired
knowledge. As a result, their creative and intellectual abilities, independence, responsibility
develop, and the ability to plan and make decisions is formed. In addition, the project method is
closely related to the use of the latest computer technologies.


