Use of game elements in primary school nature lessons




elementary school, natural science subject, man, nature, teaching methods, game elements.


The article describes the necessity and importance of teaching natural science in
primary school. The natural science subject forms students' scientific understanding of the world
of being, readiness for the assimilation of complex terms and gives rise to the subjects
“Physics”,”Chemistry”, “Biology”, “Geography”. Scientific ideas about the objects of existence,
various environmental phenomena, inanimate and living nature, environmental problems are
developing. Knowledge of natural science is important for many everyday human activities.
Students develop knowledge and skills, the ability to understand the essence of natural wealth and
use it usefully, economically and efficiently. In the process of teaching natural science in
elementary school, he orients students to use the methodological potential of the subject for the
conscious assimilation of knowledge and skills, mastering the techniques of educational, project,
research activities, the development of independence. At the present stage, the organization of
students' active activity for independent learning is one of the main requirements for the
educational process. The use of game elements in the assimilation of knowledge in the educational
process is the most favorable in increasing the activity of students. The lesson sets a specific
educational goal in the use of game elements. It is planned to achieve a certain result through the
game. In educational activities, students obey the established rules of the game, the educational
material is a means of playing.


