Development of cognitive interest in the biology subject under the conditions of differentiated education using the visibility principle




differential method, approach, cognitive, student, teacher, differentiation, learning technology.


The article is devoted to the use of differentiated teaching in biology lessons,
the technology of level differentiation is considered, which allows taking into account the
cognitive interests of all students, developing each student in accordance with his strength and
abilities, without limiting him in the choice of methods, means and forms of learning.
It is also shown that the restructuring carried out in the secondary education system is
aimed at creating the most favorable conditions for successful education, upbringing and
development of students, taking into account their interests and abilities. In this regard, the
individual characteristics of students in the conditions of mass school, their interests and
inclinations were considered.
The purpose of the study is to identify the levels of formation of students in the process of
controlling their educational and cognitive interests in biology lessons. The study involved 2
groups of the 8th grade of school No. 6 in Shymkent. The selected classes were randomly
divided into experimental and control groups to ensure the validity of this study. in biology
lessons, studies were conducted on the levels of formation of educational and cognitive
interests of students. The results of the study are analyzed using tests and questionnaires.
Based on this research, we can say that the use of differentiated learning technology in the
classroom is a positive result for student academic performance


