Formation of future teachers' value attitude to professional activity




future teacher, professional activity, value relations, university, formation.


The article analyzes the psychological, pedagogical, methodological literature on the research topic,
analyzes the definitions of foreign and domestic scientists to the basic concepts of the problem under study. The author
defines the concept of "formation of a value attitude to the professional activity of future teachers", reveals its essence
and composition of components. As a result of the analysis of the experience of university teachers and the work of
teachers of secondary schools, a model of the formation of a value attitude to the professional activities of future teachers
has been created. The model consists of 5 blocks: conceptual, target, content-activity, evaluation, and performance block.
The structure of the value attitude of future teachers to professional pedagogical activity is divided into the following
components: value -motivational; cognitive-operational; organizational – activity; reflexive-evaluative; emotionalvolitional. The article defines the principles of the organization of the process of forming a value attitude to the
professional activities of future teachers. A methodology for the formation of a value attitude to the professional activities
of future teachers has been developed. The results of the pedagogical experiment are also shown, qualitative and
quantitative processing of the results is carried out. The average indicators of each component of the value relations to
the professional activity of students in the experimental and control groups (the results of the ascertaining and formative
stages of the experiment) are given. Conclusions on the study are made, recommendations are given.


