Formation of cognitive abilities of students with an updated program through interdisciplinary connections in primary school




primary school, interdisciplinary connections, updated program,students, cognitive abilities, formation.


The article deals with the formation of cognitive abilities of students with an
updated program through interdisciplinary connections in elementary school. The
implementation of interdisciplinary communication with the updated program through
interdisciplinary communication in primary school, which provides the most important
pedagogical conditions for the formation of students' cognitive abilities, ensures the formation
of students' personality, interest, and the development of cognitive abilities.
In order to determine the level of readiness of students for the formation of cognitive
abilities with the updated program, through interdisciplinary connections, educational
activities of younger schoolchildren, features of psychological, personal, social and
physiological development, children's work in math and labor lessons, conducting
conversations, analyzing current academic performance, monitoring after school hours are
carried out.
The structural model of the formation of cognitive abilities of students with an updated
program through interdisciplinary connections based on mathematics and labor disciplines in
primary school includes and clarifies: the purpose of teaching; didactic principles of the
formation of cognitive abilities; the content of teaching; productive methods and means of
teaching in the context of interdisciplinary connections non-standard organizational forms;
methods of control and results of the formation of cognitive abilities in the context of
interdisciplinary connections; students, as well as criteria and levels of their formation.


