Educational meaning of teaching the works of M.Kashkari and Zh.Balasagun in secondary school




Islamic era, folk pedagogy, education, didactics, high school.


At the present time, the content of literary reading programs has a considerable educational potential. Its implementation depends on the purposeful selection of the content of the educational material, which presents students with a true example of morality, patriotism, spirituality, citizenship and humanity. However, content can be a means of education only if it is transmitted to the consciousness of students through a holistic perception based on narrative, solid knowledge. A secondary school student should be encouraged to understand the artistic specifics of the literature of the Islamic era, along with the ideological and content aspect of the work. When realizing that the main feature of the literature of the Islamic era is the promotion of human values, call for good and appeal to the weal, the student freely assimilates the work and deeply understands its meaning. In this context, it is necessary for secondary school students to study widely the literary and historical heritage, to use it in educational work. To date, effective ways and approaches to teaching Kazakh literature in secondary schools are being methodologically studied. In particular, the teaching of Islamic literature in secondary schools is of great importance. This article examines in detail the issues of what is the main purpose of studying the literature of the Islamic era in secondary school and what is the impact of the works of literature of the Islamic era in general on the worldview of students. The article describes the educational significance of the pedagogical works of the medieval Turkologist, scientist M. Kashgari and Zh. Balasagun.


