The linguistic and cultural nature of the works of Zh. Aimautov




Zh. Aimautov's works, artistic text, linguoculturology, teaching methods, linguocultural units, artistry.


At the end of the twentieth century, many facts appeared in linguistics that require the
interpretation of language outside its structural system from a linguocultural point of view. In our
opinion, the reason for its occurrence can be explained by the formation of dissent arising against the
process of globalization. Language and culture are closely related, the idea that language appears,
develops and is a carrier of culture in culture was adopted as the main position in this direction, and at
the beginning of the 20th century a new science based on this idea appeared. The article discusses the
artistic specificity of the works of J. Aimautova and the linguocultural nature of language units. At the
same time, the importance of teaching linguistic and cultural units expressing national experience and
ways of mastering them are determined. We hope that this research work will continue. Working with
literary texts contributes to the improvement of linguistic and cultural abilities of the student,
replenishment of his cyclic knowledge. The object of study will continue to be the works of J. Aimautov,
filled with artistic features, expressed by the method of lyricism, with a large use of linguistic and
cultural units.
Although there are few research papers on the linguistic and cultural nature of Zh. Aimauytov's
works, they have not been comprehensively studied. 


