Тheoretical foundations for the use of non-traditional forms of teaching a foreign language





method, motivation, non-traditional education, pedagogical skills, innovative technology, didactics, communicative competence.


This article is considered about it is effective to conduct lessons organized outside
the structure of a traditional lesson in the organization of modern education. The most effective form of
changing a traditional lesson and increasing student interest is a non-traditional lesson. Improving the
efficiency of using non-traditional forms of teaching a foreign language is considered one of the topical
issues in the content of modern education. The student has the opportunity to use their native language,
the communicative function is primarily in the classroom, so methodologists and teachers need to work
in foreign language lessons aimed at finding reserves for improvement, increasing its effectiveness and
improving the quality of education. All this contributes to the development of independence and creative
initiative of schoolchildren, the inclusion of non-standard forms of lessons and various stages in the
educational process helps to increase motivation for learning a foreign language, the connection of
educational material with life situations. At the same time, the problem of teaching a foreign language
at a university is relevant, since changes in the nature of education are aimed at the free development of
the individual, creative initiative, student independence, competitiveness and mobility of future
specialists. It is well known that the goal of foreign language education is the formation of
communicative competence, which involves the formation of a personality capable and ready to
participate in intercultural communication


