The human principle in the poetry of hakim Abay and Shakarim




the beginning of the arts-the red word (eloquence), not the son of the father, but the son of humanity.


The Kazakh people celebrated the 175th anniversary of the great Kazakh poet, thinker Abai Kunanbayuly, whose ideas are recognized as spiritual food for all mankind. The article examines the national values inherent in the poetry of Khakim Abai and his follower Shakarim: humanity, morality, spirituality, morality and negative qualities. The principles of science, knowledge and morality, promoted by Abay, found a continuation not only in the work of the outstanding representative of the Abayev school of poetry Shakarim, but also in other followers. In the article, a special place is given to Shakarim, an adherent of Abayev's views on education and science, who put above all the desire to learn and gain knowledge not for personal gain. Both thinkers were able to express a special vision and understanding of the world around them in their work and satisfy a wide range of readers due to the skillful use of lexical and grammatical figures. The article argues that both poets, being relatives, possessed both extensive knowledge and knowledge in the study of the world around them, and a high level of moral principles, were versatile personalities with special philosophical views of the world. The author of the article encourages the young generation to read, understand and comprehend the works of the great teacher Abai and his student Shakarim.


