Improving the effectiveness of teaching chemistry in accordance with the updated program




Improving the effectiveness of teaching chemistry based on the updated curriculum, educating the next generation, teaching and example effectiveness, student competence.


In order to increase the effectiveness of teaching chemistry on the basis of the updated program, it is envisaged that students need to improve the quality of education and training, ensure a high level of scientific education, ensure deep mastery of the basics of natural science, it is necessary to build the learning process not only as a process of mastering the system of knowledge, skills and competencies that make up the instrumental basis of the student's educational activity, but also as a process of personality development, the adoption of spiritual, moral, social, family and other values. The introduction of modern teaching technologies and their systematic use contributes to improving the quality of learning, motivation, the formation of functional literacy of students and key competencies, the development of potential abilities of students .. New technologies provide new opportunities for the formation of personal potential and ensuring the success of the graduate Today, the use of modern educational technologies that provide x personal development of students by reducing the share of reproductive activity (reproduction of what is left in memory) in the educational process can be considered as a key condition for improving the quality of education, reducing the workload of students, more efficient use of study time. Development of cognitive and creative interests among students is facilitated by various types of technologies.


