Formation of ethnocultural competence of foreign language student




ethnoculture, foreign language audience, competence, cradle, nation.


The author of the article examines the formation of ethnocultural competence of
students in schools with a non-Kazakh language of instruction. Explains the concept of culture
and analyzes the typology of Connes culture. Reveals the meaning of the concept of
"ethnoculture", defines its role in the development and upbringing of a child. Ethnoculture is
culture, traditions, national characteristics of a certain people. It symbolizes vitality, honor,
heights, achievements, consciousness and history of the nation. The article discusses the main
tasks of ethnocultural education and some effective ways of teaching it. Focuses on the concept
of competence and explains how to achieve high ethnocultural competence among students. It
offers criteria and indicators for diagnosing the level of formation of ethnocultural competence
of students in a school with a non-Kazakh language of instruction. Tells about the way of
formation of ethnocultural competence at the lessons of the Kazakh language. Conducts a
comparative analysis of the ethnic culture of the Kazakh people with the concept of "besik" in
order to avoid difficulties in interpreting the ethnic culture of the Kazakh people for a foreign
language audience. Using the example of the cradle, they compare it with the concept of the
Russian, German peoples. Fully revealing the essence of the Kazakh cradle for a foreignlanguage audience, makes various comparisons, teaches to respect the culture of the Kazakh
people, while preserving their culture. 


