Educational value of the magazine “Aikap”



“Aikap” magazine, distribution of newspaper-magazines to students, formation of interest in learning, published materials, encourage interest.


Was mentioned thoughts about the magazine «Aikap» and some unpopular
Newspapers and magazines, which are published today. It is clear that Newspapers and
magazines should write about the needs of people, the true truth, and only then they will be able
to consolidate their status in the Kazakh press. Undoubtedly, the magazine «Aikap» will become
a Golden bridge in the formation and development of the individual and the whole generation.
And our teachers are the connecting link of this bridge. It is said that « a nation that does not
know its past has no future» .The press of the early twentieth century tells about our past, our
culture, and every person who fought for their Homeland. Modern Newspapers and magazines
are a legitimate extension of this press, which introduces students to reading.


